Sunday 3 October 2010

you don't have to go to class when it's raining... right?

Wednesday evening, I got to dance!! Joining the dance club here means you get to take as many dance classes as you want. So I went to advanced jazz and advanced ballet. The classes were a little crowded for my taste, but it was still wonderful to move. They were both taught by 4th year students at the university. It's wonderful to see how someone else's dance club functions. (Speaking of, someone owes me an update about Terpsichore!!!!!) I also took a "contemporary" class on Friday night which was smaller because.. well it's Friday night. Contemporary here is actually what we call modern in the states. I had a great time. And I'm STILL sore. Probably more an indication of the fact that I'm outta shape instead of how great the class was buuuut that's another matter entirely.

On Thursday, I went swimming in the North Sea and this time I got documentation! I think it should show at the bottom of the blog, but if not here is the link:
(Also, youtube just emailed me to congratulate me for uploading my first video. THANKS YOUTUBE!! I'm SO glad you work outside of the US!)

After swimming, I tried to join the Harry Potter Society. Yes this actually exists here! It's three pounds to join, you get sorted into a house, and then you all hang out. But I showed up too late and so I have to go sometime this week to be sorted. (I know you're jealous.) 

Friday morning I was woken up at 6 in the morning to a fire drill. I was so disoriented it took Sophie telling me to put shoes on before I even realized that I needed to go outside. (I'm also thankful for Soph because she bakes things...glorious chocolate things.) Then began raining while I was sitting in German class, so I got drenched on my way home. Rough morning. Perhaps you think I should invest in an umbrella? NOPE UMBRELLAS ARE FOR SISSYS. And practical people. We met our neighbors finally during the fire drill... although 6 am is not the best time to meet people. So they came over later in the evening with cookies. Hooray for new friends and stuff.

Yesterday (Saturday) I walked all the way to Morrison's. It's a much bigger grocery store in the Southern part of town. I bought groceries so now my only excuse for living on Frosted Flakes is laziness. I ran out yesterday though so I suppose tomorrow I'll try my hand at cooking. I don't have any mac and cheese (yet) so it may prove disastrous. At Morrison's we bought things to make stir-fry and all cooked together in Robyn's apartment. After that I went star gazing on the beach. There's a snail and a hedgehog that live in the sky here as well.

Today was a productive today... as long as you count exploration as productivity. I do, so let's run with it!
Elliott and I took a bus to a nearby town named Anstruther. One of the women running orientation in Edinburgh told us that you can get the best fish and chips in Scotland here. (Food? Yes, count me in!) We weren't hungry enough when we first got there so we looked at a map, picked a place called St. Fillan's cave, and took off in the general direction. We got distracted by the pier and a few cemeteries on the way but made it eventually. We had to pick up the key at the Cocoa Tree (a chocolate shop) and then walk on down to the cave. It was big enough to walk around in and they had the story of St. Fillan lit up inside. Then of course when we returned the key, we had to get chocolate. I got some that had rose flavoring in it. It was super. Elliott got one that had Scotch in it. The lady who made them warned him not to bite into it. He didn't but I had the camera ready for when the whiskey finally came through. Priceless. It was sunny on the walk back to the fish bar. Hills and sheep farms on the left + harbour then sea on the right = a beautiful and picturesque Scotland. The fish and chips were in fact the best I've ever had.  

I'll put pictures up on facebook. Missin you!

1 comment:

  1. Swimming in the North Sea! How great but it looked like the water must have been cold.
    The food sounds really good...however, being a beer man, I was wondering if the beer there is served warm as it is in London? If so, I guess I will take a chance on the candy with the Scotch in it instead!
    Mr. Wayne
    October 4, 2010
