Friday 29 October 2010

Stirling Homestay

It's been busy here in Scotland.

Last week I actually made biscuits and gravy for my flatmates and academic dad. Even Maddie, who is from Connecticut had never had them before! Mostly they said, that looks mingin' no way am I eating it. And why is your gravy WHITE?! But then they did and loved it! Thanks for sending the mix, Mum!

Last weekend I went to stay with a Scottish couple in the town of Stirling named Pat and Mauree Dea. They were adorable, of course. I (in true southern fashion) was calling them Mr. and Ms. But Pat found this to be mean. It made him feel old (because he is in fact only 73) He'd say to me, "oh quit your mistering me lassie!" Robyn, Lauren, Bailey, and I were in one house. Three boys from our program stayed with another couple but we did all of our sightseeing together.

Can you guess the best part? The food!! We arrived to tomato soup, homemade roast mashed potatoes and peas, and ice cream/apple pie. The next morning we had toast and eggs and sausage. They packed us lunches and dropped us at a scottish history museum. I personally found the little kids section where you could dress up in renaissance clothing to be the best.. shocking. From there we walked to Stirling Castle. We didn't go in, because it costs gobs of money. Instead we just sat in front of it and ate our lunches. Everyone thought it was a bit strange that our sandwiches were ham and butter, but that's right up my alley! We also had some roast chicken flavored crisps and Irn Bru. Yes please. At this point Pat picked us up and drove us to the Wallace Monument. We climbed all 246 steps to the top and listened to someone dressed up as a foot soldier recount the life of William Wallace. Then we went shopping at the mall because St. Andrews is unfortunately small in that area. Best part of this day? Soup, steak pie chips and mushy peas, and cake! Then watching Strictly Come Dancing (the British form of Dancing with the Stars) I didn't know the celebrities, but I still loved it! We also got to listen to Ricky Green sing us some disco tunes in a local pub. We requested Build Me Up Buttercup! He had to explain his Scottish jokes though.. sigh. Some more shopping Sunday morning, home made pizza, and then time to come home.

Speaking of Scottish jokes, here's one for you:
Why is a soldier better than a fireman?
-Because you can't dip a fireman in your egg.

Sunday was also Meg's birthday, so we all went to a restaurant called The Grill House to celebrate. Monday was my flatmate Jaz's birthday and we had a celebration for her here in the flat. (You may have seen my rap on facebook...)

Missin' you at home and I send my love. xx


  1. I love that half of this post is about food!

  2. I don't get this joke at all!
