Tuesday 28 September 2010


I'm taking three classes here in St. Andrews which is the equivalent of 12 hours at home.

German- My advisor put me into intermediate German because I asked her to choose the class where I would get the most practice speaking and review of grammar. The class itself will not be too difficult. I feel like the students in my class have as much knowledge after one year as I do after two. They did take more classes their first year I guess so I shouldn't be too concerned.

Scottish History- I absolutely love this class. My professor (or teacher as they call them here) is so very Scottish. He also says things that I find very funny such as: if you try to get online to find the handouts should you miss class, you will find them, but lasers will shoot you down because you should have come to my lecture. No one else laughs but that doesn't matter. I think he's hilarious.

Management- Is actually split into two classes marketing and operations business (maybe?). One professor teaches the first half on mon/tues and another the other half on thurs/fri. This is a really big class. I would guess there are at least 200 students in it, which is incredibly overwhelming coming from a school where they cap classes around 40. Today I got a lesson in US history during the 1960s. I found myself thinking this is fairly common knowledge before I realized that I'm in Scotland and probably not so much.

Overall I spend less time in class but I also have something called tutorials for each. In these we meet in smaller groups to discuss assigned readings. (I HAVE TO READ SO MUCH, I'm not used to this work load..) I haven't been to one yet, but it seems like an interesting concept.

My favorite thing about St. Andrew's University is that it is completely integrated into the town. Unlike TU, class buildings are mixed in with residential areas, castle ruins, restaurants, businesses, and dorms. This makes my 10 minute break in between Scottish History and Management a bit of a stretch however as it actually takes 15 minutes. No one will notice if I sneak in the back though so I'm not going to start wearing a track suit to class just yet.

Missing everyone at home more than you know! All my love.


  1. I wish our campus was integrated like theirs. Plus castles are always good.

    The Nerdery misses you too!!!

  2. If I was in your Scottish History class you wouldn't be the only one laughing! I laughed just reading the quote. I wish American professors were that funny...

  3. I agree with lindsey-shephard that if I was in your Scottish History class there would be 3 of us laughing. I imagine he has some more tricks up his sleeve for you.
